Ability & Combat Toolkit (ABC) allows users to easily create attacks, abilities, weapons and spells and provides a range of combat related features to enhance your games in just a few minutes!Ability & Combat Toolkit (ABC) is a Unity Tool which enables you to easily create weapons, attacks, spells and abilities.ABC also comes with 9 premade weapons, over 50 configured abilities and more then 40 effects from an ever increasing library!The toolkit also includes many other combat related functionality to quickly add mind blowing and impactful combat to any type of game.There is no limit to the type of abilities and weapons you can create:Swords ✔️Guns ✔️Hand to Hand ✔️Bow & Arrow ✔️Dual Weapons ✔️Shields ✔️2H weapons ✔️Attack Combos ✔️Air Combos ✔️Single Impactful Attacks ✔️Jump Attacks ✔️Gap Closing Attacks (close the distance and strike!) ✔️Counter Attacks ✔️Parry Attacks ✔️Preparation Spells (graphics, animations & UI whilst casting a spell) ✔️Projectile Spells (Fireballs, lightning, daggers and more!) ✔️Heals ✔️Buffs (increase stats, regenerate health or why not speed up attacks?)✔️Debuffs ✔️AoE Spells ✔️Grenades ✔️Sticky Abilities (attach arrows and projectiles to enemies for some fun mechanics)✔️Telekenisis (throw a rock or pull enemies to you!)✔️Mines and Remote Explosives ✔️Shields ✔️Grapple Attacks ✔️Dodging ✔️DoT areas (Poison field or buff zone anyone?) ✔️Charge Attacks ✔️Multiple Projectiles seeking out nearby enemies ✔️Meteor Strikes ✔️Non-Humanoid attacks (scratch, bite and claw!) ✔️Health/Mana Pickups ✔️Explosive Environments ✔️Ability Bouncing (don't stop at one target bounce to the next!)✔️Ability Boomerang (send a projectile out and watch it come back!) ✔️Attack Enhancements (Who doesn't like a bit of fire with every slash?) ✔️That is only the start - with ABC only your imagination is the limit! We have you covered and this is all easily done with no coding or programming knowledge needed.Get all this started in seconds - ABC has been designed to sit along side all other assets and tools on the store. No matter the project we will add some welly to your attacks with no complications!Still not sure? Check out our DemosPrefer to see some videos? Check out some TutorialsWant to chat about ABC and combat? Join our Discord or post in the ForumsRather do some reading? Check out our DocumentationOr even just Follow us on TwitterABC also comes with MANY other combat related functionality:⚔️ CHARACTER CREATOR AND SCRIPTABLE OBJECTS- Setup playable, friendly and enemy characters in seconds- Drag an object in and press create!- Automatically uses the bone structure to place ability start position tags and weapon holding placeholders to ease the configuration of where weapons sit- Add premade weapons & abilities to get started in seconds- Share abilities, weapons and effects with other projects through the use of scriptable objects⚔️ OPTIONAL MOVEMENT & CAMERA CONTROLLER- Optional choice to use ABC's own movement and camera controller- Select from a number of game types to automatically have the movement and camera operate in the way you would expect for Action, FPS, Topdown, MMOs and more!- Using your own movement and camera? Not a problem ABC works well with any controller without any fuss!⚔️ ANIMATION CLIP RUNNER- ABC leaves the Unity Animator alone - any animations used for ABC will run along side the Unity Animator- Functionality is also included to overwrite current idle & run animations, and replace them with clips placed in for weapons⚔️ AI- Setup AI for both friendly and enemy type characters- A robust rule system lets you have enemies activate abilities, switch weapons or start blocking depending on situations that occur in game- Determine the probability, attack rate and cooldown for all AI attacks to keep things dynamic and fresh for the players- Target limitations, control how many enmies attack the player at once to give some breathing space- Behaviour functionality, keep the enemy moving around or back and fourth with animations included to keep enemies feeling alive when not attacking⚔️ TARGETING FEATURES- Configure targeting for all types of game modes- Lock on to enemies and circle around them dark souls style- Select a target for an ability to focus on- Setup auto targeting with optional rules for distance, in camera, closest and more- Show graphics and indicators to let players know who will recieve the next blow⚔️ STATS, HEALTH & MANA- Setup mana which can be used to activate abilities- Setup health which can be configured to renegerate over time- Choose what happens to a character when they die, how long till they despawn and the animations that will play⚔️ ABILITY GROUPING- Group abilities together that will be enabled during certain conditions- Fight until a point based bar gets full then press a key to activate a special mode which for a duration will add new attacks, in a spot of dangre? time to power up! Enemies getting angry? activate rage mode!⚔️ EFFECTS- Add over 50 effects to your abilities that can adjust health/stats/mana, push enemies, freeze characters, disable buffs/abilities and more!⚔️ COMPATIBLE WITH ALL GAME TYPES- Action- FPS- TPS- Top Down- MMO- Point & Click- ABC can cater for all game modes!⚔️ CONTROL OVER EVERY STAGE OF AN ATTACK OR ABILITYAdd graphics and animations for every part of an ability:- Preparing- Intiation- Activation- Collision- Ability End (explosions make everything great!)⚔️ WEAPON FUNCTIONALITY- Create all types of weapons- Block attacks and reduce damage- Parry attacks and counter with your own!- Switch between any number of weapons with equip and unequip animations- Configure animation clips to run when idling, in combat stance or running- Show weapons on your back when they are not being used⚔️ AMMO AND RELOADING- Add ammo to your guns and weapons and let the player seek out more once they run out- Configure ammo reloading with graphics and animations and choose how many times a gun or ability can fire before a reload is needed⚔️ IMPACT JUICE- No combat is complete without juice and with ABC we have plenty to add!- Camera shakes- Push effects (not just back wards but up as well!)- Ability splashing, add effects to surrounding enemies- Hit lag, freeze the attack or projectilesfor a second to provide more of a impact- Game speed adjustment, freeze the game for a duration and show the player just how hard it hi- Change material colour for a flash to show the player who has been hit⚔️ PICK UPS- Setup for weapons to be picked up or dropped during play, all with a click of 1 button- Create ammo boxes or health & mana pickups⚔️ IN GAME UI- Setup health bars & mana bars- Show current stat values- Indicate who is targeted- Ability indicators to display where in the world the ability will hit before activating it- Show how much damage has been inflicted or write status effect messages to display in game which characters has been buffed or debuffed⚔️ ACTION BAR AND ABILITY BOOK/INTERFACE- Display an action bar and activate abilities with a click or a press of a key- Show current cooldowns- Move abilities to other bar positions to give player a personal experience- Setup a book of abilities which players can drag from to configure which abilities they want to use on their toolbar⚔️ PARTICLES, ICONS, ANIMATIONS AND AUDIO- Make use of a library of particles, icons, animations and audio⚔️ EASY TO USE EDITOR- ABC operates with simplicity, just 2 components are needed for the whole system- Configure settings and create abilities/weapons/effects in our simple to use editor screens all with documentated instructions throughout⚔️ INTEGRATIONS- Integrations already avaliable including Game Creator 1, Game Creator 2 (GC Integration Tutorial) and Emerald AI- It doesn't end there! We have plans to integrate with many more popular assets on the store in the near future⚔️ IN GAME UI- Use both the new and old Unity Input system without complication⚔️ SIMPLE API- Subscribe to events and effects to easily be notified in your scripts when an event occurs- Plug into ABC from any component or script with just a few simple lines://character to call API forABC_IEntity abcEntity = ABC_Utilities.GetStaticABCEntity(gameObject);abcEntity.TriggerAbility("Fireball"); //trigger ability by nameabcEntity.TriggerAbility(123456); // trigger ability by IDabcEntity.EquipWeapon(123456); //equip weapon by IDabcEntity.AdjustHealth(-20); //adjust health of entityabcEntity.AdjustMaxHealth(200) //adjust max health⚔️ DIAGNOSTIC- Turn on diagnostics which will tell you exactly what is happening behind the scenes, show how the ability is activating and any collisions- Effect watcher screens shows you real time effect applications and the history of effects applied to characters⚔️ GREAT SUPPORT- We are very active on discord, need some help? just ask! Struggling to make an attack or ability, we got your back!- We are confident ABC will fit your needs, if it doesn't let us know and we will make it happenDon't just listen to us, here is what members of the ABC community has said:"After seen the capabilities of ABC Combat Toolkit I fell in love with it and decided to stay with it. One Click Character Setup ( player, enemy, friendly) - nothing can beat that. State Manager, Controller Manager and Ability Manager makes it easy and the capabilities are endless. It works great with my CC4/DAZ3D character without any hiccups. Basically GET IT. Its great. I strongly recommend it.""I've purchased and tested many Unity assets, and I must say this one truly stands out!! It includes quality animations, abilities, combat and overall gives a AAA quality gameplay feel! I highly recommend this asset to anyone looking to re-create a Devil May Cry or Final Fantasy VII Remake action combat system."Over 30,000 lines of code have been written to jump start the combat in your game with just 2 components and a click of a few buttons, what do you have to lose?