OWA SciFi City Vol 1: Interiors, Exteriors, Modular, Cyberpunk, Horror, FPS/VR
Bohn Studios
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An optimized kit for building sci-fi cities. Modular pieces snap together easily for buildings, interiors, exteriors, streets, props and more!Build huge futuristic cities with this versatile and lean scifi kit. Parts are modular and snap together to ease of use. Easily customize to your art style.170+ prefabs includedATLASED and MODULARhighly optimized for performancecomplete demo scenes demostrating usagetons of building parts, signs, streets, buildings with interiors, furniture and more!snaps together easily in a modular fashionWhether your project is desktop, mobile, VR, or console.... these prefabs are fast and use minimal resources! Take full advantage of static batching and dynamic batching.Walls, Floors, Sidewalks, Road, Ceilings, arch, bench, bunks / bed, chairs, couches, crates, cryo, interface, generator, barrels, railing, tables, trash cans, umbrella, interiors, and exteriors.Discount upgrade path to SP Bakery: Buldings KitFREE upgrade path to Echoes of Science Fiction music packThis is a package that allows a great deal of flexibility across many styles.This is an atlased pack so conversion between any render pipeline is very streamlined. The auto conversion tools should work perfectly with this asset in any LTS version of Unity.IMPORTANT NEWS (9/30/2024)This is one of my legacy kits so it's priced accordingly. My newer OWA Buildings are built more to be more flexible, with things like windows as seperate game objects and more modular options to build a wider ranger of building types. That being said, this package is due for a MAJOR UPGRADE UPDATE, as this particular package mostly contains assets that I made over 5 years ago. The new Version 2.0.0 and on will require a paid upgrade from this package, but it will be discounted in the fairest way possible. I generally don't like to do paid upgrades (this will be my first one for the 100+ assets I've published). Since version 1 of this asset pack was provided free as part of past promotion, I believe it is the most fair to my customers who have paid money for it to have small upgrade fee.Due to the high number of building packages, interiors, and props I've been making this year, my plan for version 2.0 will include a massively larger city demo scene (the biggest on the store most likely just because I can lol). It will have more polish like animated doors, more building kits, greebles, better breakability integration, and even skyscrapers over 150 stories tall with playable interiors. Just FYI timeline, everything for this is basically already built, with the exception to the demo scene and newer render pipeline integrations. While I don't have and exact release date as of today, it's coming up very soon so keep an eye here on the Asset Store.The goal will be to make Version 2.0 the biggest, fastest and best all-around Cyberpunk / Sci-Fi City kit on the Asset Store, similar to what OWA City Core was originally at its $200.00 original release price before it more than quadrupled in size.