MAST is an editor extension for Unity, primarily intended for staging 3D modular assets. It is very useful for making scenes and levels that are based off of a grid. Instead of having to drag a prefab into the inspector, then manually move, rotate and flip it, MAST provides a simple interface that lets you do all the above before ever placing the item in your scene.MAST includes a fully customizable grid that can be raised or lowered at the click of a button, the ability to customize position offsets, and even a robust randomizer for varying props. Since MAST works with prefabs, there is no limit to what can be placed, including game-ready objects with internal logic components.Also, MAST can merge static meshes at any time for efficiency at runtime. Also included is a material painting system that brings all your materials into an easy-to-use palette! Everything you do is in the Inspector and can be managed like any other game object.