Texture Web View is a Android web view plugin that gives you ability to render websites on 2D/3D objects with possibility to use interact functionality that based on native web view component.
Support E-mail: easywayasset@gmail.com
Try demo version:
Demo Version
* Fast and flexible web view rendering that uses native hardware canvas: support only OpenGLES2/3 graphics API);
* Supported armeabi-v7a, x86, arm64-v8a-bit Android processors (for arm64-bit you need enable libraries directly in Unity Engine);
* Supported possibility to render web pages on 2D or 3D objects;
* Supported possibility to render components that need a hardware rendering support (only for API level 23+) - like HTML5 videos, YouTube, ect.;
* Supported possibility to asynchronously evaluates JavaScript in the context of the currently displayed page;
* Supported possibility to render multiple web views instances;
* Supported possibility to use pixels of current web page frame (will be ignore using hardware features and can work not so smooth);
* Supports main interaction features, like: click, scroll, text selection, edit;
* Experimental Virtual Reality Support (Cardboard, Oculus).
* Doesn't work in Unity Editor mode;
* For arm64-bit processor support, enable libraries directly in Unity Engine in "TextureWebView/Plugins/Android/libs/arm64-v8a" folder;
* Requires minimum API level 15 for hardware rendering API level 23+;
* Current version don't include virtual keyboard, but include all needed functionality, to use your custom one, like: show/hide keyboard callbacks, set input field text.