Functional Drag and Drop is a GUI framework with Examples to be used on games or apps with settings for visual features and internal rules.With the Functional Drang and Drop you can easily add UI Drag and Drop features on your project and elevate your Game and Apps.Codless settings for visual features and internal rules and Examples Scenes to get inspired.From v1.2.1 art updated with awesome Sprites and 3D Models (Public Domain) from Kenney Assets - https://www.kenney.nlAvailable SettingsDDCanvasMultiple SelectionTransparency On DraggingOnDrag Objects GroupingDDVesselDropIn RulesDragOut RuleDDUnitDDTagDrag AnchorOnDrag Size and RotationOnDrop Size and RotationOnPointerOver Size and RotationDDUnitImageLerp TranslationLerp Rotation or AnimationLerp ResizeExamplesSample SceneCard Game, SolitaireInventory SystemSimple Puzzle GameKanban BoardSource CodeDocumentation/Manual