Key features:-All textures with PBR High-Quality (2K in current 1.0 verison; 4K will be available in next update)-Provide every models in this package with two types (Clean & Dirt) of textures-Sword has textures with 4 optional colors
What's included:Model:(totally 6 pieces )1---Katana(prototype of "Itomaki-no-tachi") ---15864tris1---Katana(prototype of "Kuro-roironurizaya-daisho-koshirae")---12874tris1---Deerhorn SwordStand---1990tris+994tris1---Wood SwordStand(Type1)---994tris1---Wood SwordStand(Type2)---1506tris1---Sheet SwordStand---2994tris
Texture:(totally 24 sets)8--- four optional colors(Red,Gold,Blue,White) in two types (Clean & Dirt) for Katana(prototype of "Itomaki-no-tachi" 8--- four optional colors(Red,Gold,Blue,White) in two types (Clean & Dirt) for Katana(prototype of "Kuro-roironurizaya-daisho-koshirae")2---Textures in two types (Clean & Dirt) for Deerhorn SwordStand2---Textures in two types (Clean & Dirt) for WoodStand(Type1)2---Textures in two types (Clean & Dirt) for WoodStand(Type2)2---Textures in two types (Clean & Dirt) for Sheet SwordStand
Texture sets include:(Metallic/Roughness Workflow)-AlbedoTransparentcy Map-Normal Map-AO Map-MetallicSmoothness Map
Texture Format: Targa
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