Legacy Asset
This asset has been replaced by Steamworks V2 and will no longer be updated. It will be deprecated soon (removed from sale) and should only be used with projects limited to Unity 2018 LTS. For all other projects please see:
Steamworks V2 Foundation ( Free )
Steamworks V2 Complete ( Premium )
This asset uses Steamworks.NET (Current version 13.0.0) under the MIT license; see ThirdPartyNotices.txt file in package for details.
This is a light version of Heathen’s Steamworks Complete!
Have a question? Join our Discord and ask the devs!
Steamworks.NET (C# access to the full Steam API)
Steam Achievements
Steam User Stats
Steam Overlay
Steam User Data
Online Documentation at:Heathen Help Centre
Live Support on:
Heathen Assets Discord Server
Heathen's Steamworks builds on the Steamworks.NET framework and extends it with Heathen's Systems Core offering designers and programmers alike a far smoother and easier integration of Steamworks API with your game and without diverging from Valve's architecture. This approach means official Valve documentation, tutorials, etc. still apply while also wrapping that functionality in more Unity friendly components.
Heathen Systems Core is included with this asset and fully integrated with it. Define your achievements, users, network messages and more as 'Scriptable Variables' for easy referencing cross scene and easily driven by Heathen's Game Event system.
Do more with Heathen Engineering!
Enrich your games with achievements, user stats and social features. Heathen’s Steamworks is a battle tested and developer approved integration of one of the most robust and popular digital platform interfaces around.
New to Steamworks?
Heathen’s Steamworks comes with live support form Heathen Engineering and a growing community of more than 100 developers. Join the Heathen Assets Discord Server where you can ask questions and get real time answers, show off your latest project and join the Steamworks Testing channel to help shape the growth of Heathen’s Steamworks (requires Steamworks Complete).