Easy to use Unity extension that allows you to output debug statements with color!
Its purpose is to make specific logs/errors/warnings stand out from the rest of the debug statements within your program. But it's also fun!
Use a unity color picker wheel to set the color!
In your code, Type ColoredDebug.Log/Error/Warning instead of Debug.Log, etc and just specify:
- The message to be displayed
- Optional: The color to display the message in
- Optional: Whether the messages style will be Unitys Default, or Bold and/or Italic
Colored Debug auto-generates 7 primary colors to use. Use the color wheel to generate your own.
When you are entering a color to use, it is NOT case-sentive so don't be shy!
That's it!
If you want more information on how to use Colored Debug, please check out the ReadMe file included in the package.
If you type "Rainbow" into a Log call, you will Taste the rainbow! :)
Enjoy! Please rate Colored Debug and leave reviews! I appreciate it!