A shader that makes meshes waving in the wind. Can react to objects that bends the grass. It doesn't use billboards or terrains, but normal 3d objects. The wind effect is not global, but moves like waves over the area (different at each location).
— Content —
- GrassWind shader
- Test Scenario
- Player with simple movements
- Low poly grass mesh
- GrassController C# script for setting up the grass and interaction
— Requirements —
Shader: Works on all platforms supported by Unity. DX9 shader model 2.0.
— Usage —
Add all grass, flowers, mushrooms, etc. objects you want to use to the GrassPrefabs list of the GrassController.
All these objects must use a material with the GrassWind shader.
Add the InteractionTag string defined in the GrassController as tag to all objects that should be able to interact with the grass.
Adjust the shader settings for your needs.
— Sources —
- Gras mesh: Low Poly: Foliage
- Shader tutorial: Waving Grass Shader in Unity
— Support —
Need help? Contact me on Discord.
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