Are you a developer that want to create a mobile game?
If the answer is yes, then this package is the right one for you.
My idea is that I want to group all the boring systems for games, like Score System, Saving System, IAP System, and much more in one Collection.
I'm creating this Mobile Dev Collection Pack to reduce your developing time of your game, you've just to think at the mechanics and design of your game and I'll think at all other boring freatures and stuff.
That's the Pack #1 and you can find:
-Project AutoSaver: is a useful asset that avoid the file losing, maybe for a Unity Editor crash or directly your computer's crash. It save the Active Scene and (if you active it) save your edited assets too. You can set an interval of time that the PAS have to wait for save the scene and the assets. No coding required, just set up the settings in the Editor Window and let PAS do all the work :D
➢ Simple usage
➢ Never lose file changes
➢ Clear C# Code
➢ Full source code included
➢ High Support by the developer :D
-Very Basic Score System: is an asset that simplify the implementation of a Score System, easy usage of the Score and the HighScore. Simply import the prefab in your scene, attach to the Score System Object the Score and HighScore texts or if you don't had setted the Score and HighScore texts import the other prefab.
➢ Easy implementation and usage
➢ Simple Score System & HighScore System
➢ Simple HighScore saving in PlayerPrefs
➢ Clear C# Code
➢ Full Source Code included
➢ High Support by the developer :D
-Very Basic Audio System: is a simple but useful asset that implement music and sounds in your game. Easly import the prefab in your scene, attach to the Audio System Object the music you want to use and that's you've done
➢ Easy implementation and usage
➢ Simple way to play Songs and Sound Effects
➢ Ready to use Playlist System
➢ Support for a small quantity of Songs and Sfx
➢ Support for entire Playlist of Songs and Sfx
➢ Codeless configuration
➢ Clear C# Code
➢ Full source code included
➢ High Support by the developer :D
If you have problems of all kinds don't hesitate to contact me :D