Lean GUI is a collection of components that extend Unity's GUI system, allowing you to rapidly polish and enhance the user experience (UX) of your game's UI. 📄 Docs 💬 Forum 🌐 Site💡 Many Demo Scenes ― Lean GUI includes a wide range of tutorial demo scenes, which take you step-by-step through each feature. These scenes contain detailed description text, which explain what is being shown, which components were used, and which settings were used.💡 Easy To Use ― Lean GUI was designed to be as flexible as possible, while still being easy to use. To achieve this, each component is fully modular, follows Unity’s inspector design style, has intuitively named settings, and includes detailed tooltip text. If you're a programmer then full C# source code is also included, allowing you to create and modify anything you like!💡 Long Term Support ― Lean assets have received regular updates for over 6 years. Thank you to everyone who was downloaded, rated, reviewed, and provided feedback so far!💡 LeanButton ― Allows you to make responsive buttons that activate as soon as you begin touching them, and perform advanced transitions with just a few clicks!💡 LeanDrag ― Allows you to freely drag UI elements around the screen - no need to use a ScrollRect!💡 LeanTooltip + LeanTooltipData ― Allows you to add tooltips to any UI element!💡 LeanJoystick ― Allows you to make on screen joysticks. In both a circle and box shape!💡 LeanHitbox ― Allows you to change the UI element hitbox so that can be clicked based on the graphic image shape!💡 LeanOrientation ― Allows you to make UI elements that change layout between portrait and landscape display modes!💡 LeanHover ― Allows you to make UI elements that appear when you hover over something!💡 LeanShake ― Allows you to easily shake UI elements!💡 LeanPulse ― Allows you to easily make notifications or alerts!💡 LeanSwipe ― Allows you to detect when the user swipes on top of the current UI element, allowing you to perform a custom action!💡 LeanResize ― Allows you easily make UI elements that can be resized!💡 LeanToggle ― Allows you to make UI elements that can toggle between two states!💡 LeanSwitch ― Allows you to make UI elements that can toggle between any number of states!💡 LeanWindow ― Allows you to make modal windows that can later be closed in the correct order!💡 LeanSelection + LeanSelectionHighlight ― Allows you to make custom keyboard navigation selection effects!💡 LeanSafeArea ― Allows you to make UI elements that take into account notches on mobile device screens!Thank you for reading ❤️This asset uses the VarelaRound font under SIL OFL 1.1; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.