In Hindu mythology, SHIVA, the God of destruction is also a Yogi. Shiva is also associated with reincarnation, because death is believed to be a necessary step for rebirth. It is believed that the Shiva's Tandava dance sustains the cosmos, and when Shiva is finished with this dance, this universe will end and a new one will begin.
Trishul (Trident): The trident, or the spear with three prongs, is an instrument of punishment of Lord Shiva. It symbolizes:
His three fundamental powers Will, Action and Knowledge.
Manner of punishing the evil doers on all the three planes - Spiritual, Subtle and Physical.
The three components - the root of Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution.
Trishul has the following parts:
1) Chakras(Sahasrara,Ajna,Vishuddhi,Anahata ,Manipura,Swadhisthana ,Mooldhara)
2) Chanda(Moon)
3) Eye
4) Lotus
5) Trishul Head
6) Staff
7) Hands Art
All of the above has PBR textures.
NOTE: Due to large size of the Substance Painter files (.spp) they are available as a separate download (link in project files)