Extensions improving process: for toolbar; style (lines height, indents, etc); For hierarchy (right bar, special menu); hypergraph; autosave;Fully documented :| Web Site http://emem.space/: Learn more about other assets.| New Documentation: Get started quickly with new wiki page| Unity Forum Thread: Submit any questions?It is new 2022.1 important update1 - Fixed issue with saving additional hierarchy data2 - Fixed issue with unload/load scene3 - Fixed CLOSING windows problemsI got a little sick and could not fix the problems in time, I apologize to all of you for such a deadline. I hope you will be happy with the asset as it was before-->1. ☰ MAIN (...) :• Lines Height/Indents/Colors and etc• Events[UP/DOWN] - Move multiline selection together[LEFT/RIGHT] - Expand hovered tree itemend etc• Background2. ☰ INTERGRATED MODS (4) :• TopBarSpecial toolbar integration allows you to quickly switch between layouts and integrate your own buttons• Special GameObjects MenuThis mode integrated in the gameobject menu, and includes examples of elements like'[Group], [Ungroup], [Set next/previus sibling index], [Move to parent], [Set new parent], [Duplicate next to object], [Multi renamer], [Reverse order of child sibling indexes]'This mode allows you to add your own menu elements.• AutoSave• Snap (Not bad for 2020 and below)4. ☰ RIGHT BAR (4):• Right Bar Mods Pack [9 buildin/9 custom] :Layers/Tags/SpriteOrder/Audio/Description/Memory Info/Static Flags/UI Text/RayCast Target Flag and so on...This mod allows you to add your own modules.There are many ways to manipulate size of modules right in the hierrarchy window• SetActive Buttons• Icons For ComponentsWill draw icons and allow manipulate them using the context menu (you can call methods of log private field values)• SearchA special modal the window allows you to quickly search objects using content from the right bar-->More completely pack :Hierarchy Pro ExtendedAssets available separately :▬ AutoSave | SnapThis is a new optimized version without bugs, with new initialization method and special gl drawing approach.You can disable any module (it will remove all mods events from editor loops)Note that, All cache is stored separately from the scenes. It’s the only asset for hierarchy that saves data separately, no any data will be saved in the scene, Asset creates only temporarily session data, for current editor session only.You can safely copy your scene to anyone, who don't have this asset without any problems.( you can change folder for cache, you can set external folder for settings / to get more information about how ‘Cache’ works, check the ‘Cache’ section on the https://emem.store/wiki )