FREE Witchcraft and Wizardry Asset Pack
Ferocious Industries
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This package is being depreciated and re-created in 4K PBR. The new package will NOT contain direct references to the Harry Potter series, and will still be free. Ferocious Industries' early work collections are too far from our standards today, in quality and in detail. If this package interests you, please wait for the new one!
Ferocious Industries entire collection of artwork inspired by the Harry Potter cinematic series =). All you need in the study of magic! 3 Brooms 12 wands 6 books ALOT of alchemy equipment 3 writing quills 3 inkwells a birdcage! Fully equipped with LOD system. Some interchangeable materials.
**Props and models referenced from the Harry Potter films, please be wary of commercial use regarding the Brooms, and some Wands.**