This asset contains basic customization features. You can combine various legs, torsos, heads and hairs. 4 sword models. Check screenshots to view available character parts.
To accomplish this character parts are parented to a base animation skeleton. You can easily accomplish this with a script included. Video for tutorial for the script is available.
This asset contains essentially 6 warrior characters, 3 male and 3 female. The rig comes configured as Humanoid, with 12 animations.
Humanoid animations are the following:
-Block with sword / block take hit.
-Jump up, falling, land on ground.
-3 Sword attacks
-Take damage (Heavy and light)
-die animation, get up animation.
-Roll (Dodge)
-Walk, Sprint, with and without sword. With root motion.
Texture size is 1024x1024 per texture with cartoon/hand painted look.
Materials have color and normal maps. Some character parts use 2 materials to separate skin and clothing for easier customization.
Triangle count as an average is between 12k and 14k triangles per character, depending on how it's configured.
For questions, suggestions or requests contact me at dogzerx@hotmail.com