Pure Pool is a professional and extensive object pooling solution, designed to improve the performance of your game.
Simply replace Instantiate and Destroy calls with Acquire and Release, and enjoy a smoother gameplay experience.
Instantiation can be a slow process, especially for large object hierarchies, but even worse than that is destroying a lot of items.
Too many destroyed items will cause the Garbage Collector to run, and interrupt your game! These milliseconds spent cleaning up
your old objects will impact the experience of your players.
Object pooling with Pure Pool allows you to recycle and re-use your old objects, rather than constantly destroying and re-creating them.
It's quick to get started with too! Replace your calls to Object.Instantiate with calls to PoolManager.Acquire, and your calls to
Object.Destroy with calls to PoolManager.Release.
What's more, Pure Pool is the only fully-serialisable object pool for Unity. Pools, all of their settings, and all of their statistics, are all serialisable.
Make the most of Unity's ability to hot reload code (also called live recompilation) for rapid prototyping and iterative development, without losing your pools in the process.
• Serialisable High-Performance Object Pooling
• Custom Inspectors - for simplicity, just drag-and-drop
• Pool Organisation - named nested containers let you keep your pools tidy, and easily findable, or search with basic regex
• Runtime Statistics - object counts and elapsed times for tweaking performance to the max
• Pool Definitions - make changes at runtime in the editor, and then compare to how your pool was initialised at start-up
• Easily Disabled - test your game without pooling and compare performance, and pinpoint bugs
• Simple but powerful API - create and modify pools at runtime, and monitor statistics
• Serialisable - maintain settings and current objects after assembly reload (live recompilation)
• GameObjects and Custom Classes - pool GameObjects or your own C# classes
• Supports All Platforms - including AOT platforms
• Integration libraries:
• PlayMaker Support
• Unity 5 Networking (UNet) Support
• Mirror Networking (UNet replacement) Support
• Photon Unity Networking (PUN Classic and PUN 2) Support
• Photon Bolt Support
• Full C# Source Code - Visual Studio 2019 solution included
• API Reference and Documentation