Docs | API | Forum | DiscordMatch Up provides easy-to-use, hassle free matchmaking support for any networking system.Just call CreateMatch() to host, or call GetMatchList() and then JoinMatch() as a client. It's as simple as that!Match Up stores a searchable list of matches that can be filtered in almost any way you can imagine. Want all maps of a certain type and only between certain player skill levels? Easily searched and then easily joined.We set out to improve on Unity's matchmaking in every way possible.More flexible than UNETIncludes the ability to store your custom data related to the match. You can store as many strings, ints, longs, floats, or doubles as you want for each match.Advanced filteringEasily search by any combination of exact match, partial match, or range.Example sceneA basic example is provided that demonstrates how to use Match Up with any networking system, as well as an example of how to use it with the Mirror networking system specifically.Just drop it in and goThere is no set up and nothing to configure. Even the most advanced features are a breeze to use.Source codeThe full source code is included for both the client and the matchmaking server.Professional SupportWe have a consistent 5 star record of prompt and effective support. Contact us via email or forums any time and we will work with you to resolve any issue.We are actively developing this plugin for use in our own multiplayer game so we are very fast to respond to issues and put out fixes.Supports Windows, Linux, OSX, Android, IOS, and probably anything else Unity runs on except WebPlayer.Supports UNET, Mirror v78.3.0, Photon, Steam, Forge, anything else, we use sockets so we don't care!Note: We host a matchmaking server that you are welcome to use free of charge but we don't guarantee uptime. The server executable is also included so you can host it on your own server instead.Check Out Our Other AssetsSmooth Sync smooths Rigidbodies and Transforms over the network and reduces bandwidth.NAT Traversal adds NAT punch-through and automatic port forwarding to your game.