This package includes
7 Models
13 Prefabs
5 Materials
4 Textures
All models were made in real world scale (centimeters) so you can use them as part of game scenarios.
All prefabs are in 10x scale for easy visualization. For real world dimensions set scale to 1.
You can also use them to make a chess game, in that case, I highly recomend using the default x10 scale or adjusting the scale to fit your needs.
Includes 4 different textures, but you can apply your own textures as well
MODELS - real world scale
Chess Board (180 tris)
LP Bishop (316 tris)
LP Pawn (204 tris)
LP King (348 tris)
LP Knight (436 tris)
LP Queen (366 tris)
LP Rook (204 tris uv)
Chess Board (62,4cm x 62,4cm x 3cm)
LP Bishop (4cm x 4cm x 7,7cm)
LP Pawn (3cm x 3cm x 4,6cm)
LP King (4,5cm x 4,5cm x 8,6cm)
LP Knight (3cm x 3cm x 5cm)
LP Queen (4cm x 4cm x 7,5cm)
LP Rook (3cm x 3cm x 4,6cm)
Obs: Board squares dimension (6cm x 6cm)
Chess Board
Black LP Bishop
Black LP Pawn
Black LP King
Black LP Knight
Black LP Queen
Black LP Rook
White LP Bishop
White LP Pawn
White LP King
White LP Knight
White LP Queen
White LP Rook
Black Piece
Black Square
Chess Board Surround
White Piece
White Square
Black Granite
Green Granite
Maple Wood
White Granite