Infinity Tone Metal Pack 4
Karol Kosacki
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
01/07(2019) |
33.0 |
12/02(2019) |
16.5 |
12/15(2019) |
33.0 |
11/06(2024) |
33.0 |
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Karol Kosacki
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
01/07(2019) |
33.0 |
12/02(2019) |
16.5 |
12/15(2019) |
33.0 |
11/06(2024) |
33.0 |
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Collection of 6 instrumental tracks from the "Elements, Vol. 1" EP by Karol Kosacki (Infinity Tone).
Full compositions, looped versions, and looped chunks for each song. All in the style of alternative metal/hard rock.
Dynamic riffs, hard-hitting drums, and groovy bass!
Ideal for action-packed projects - shooters, beat'em ups, fighting games, FPS shooters, and every other genre of games where energy and dynamic gameplay is the main focus.
The pack contains the following songs from the EP (click on the name to go to a YouTube track):
Cobalt [full composition - 3:41, looped version - 3:35, fourteen looped chunks]
Nitrogen [full composition - 2:57, looped version - 2:56, eleven looped chunks]
Magnesium [full composition - 3:21, looped version - 3:09, fourteen looped chunks]
Carbon [full composition - 2:23, looped version - 2:20, five looped chunks]
Potassium [full composition - 2:31, looped version - 2:27, six looped chunks]
[full composition - 3:08, looped version - 3:02, twelve looped chunks]
Number of Audio tracks: 74
Sample rate \ bit rate: 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVs
Minutes of audio provided: 18:09
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