Cute Isometric Government Buildings
Snarky Pixel
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
01/03(2019) |
5.49 |
01/10(2019) |
9.89 |
11/06(2024) |
9.89 |
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Snarky Pixel
(no ratings)
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
01/03(2019) |
5.49 |
01/10(2019) |
9.89 |
11/06(2024) |
9.89 |
Jump AssetStore
What is it?
This pack contains cute cartoony isometric government buildings of various sizes. Goes along with the free starter pack. All in all this pack contains 20 different assets with each facing in four directions for a total of 80 images.
All assets have proper colliders around the base where you would expect them to be so you can move behind the buildings and vehicles, but not through them.
What do I get?
* 4 Fire department buildings of various sizes.
* 4 Hospital buildings of various sizes.
* 4 Government security buildings of various sizes - two police buildings, one special police agency building and a very large hexagonal building.
* 2 Fire department vehicles - a fire truck and a utility vehicle.
* 2 Security vehicles - a sedan police cruiser and a special police utility vehicle.
* An ambulance.
* 3 Bonus vehicles - a black sedan as well as a black and a white van.
▼ Humble Bundle
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