15k poly on complete model. Mecanim Generic Animator included.
11 animations, (Check the video!)
Ragdolls included with and withouth carapace.
6 variation prefabs mostly with different textures, 4096x4096, with Diffuse, Normal and Roughness, and ambient oclussion maps.
-Zombie Turtle with decayed flesh
-Zombie turtle no decayed flesh
-Albino white alien turtle
-Green alien turtle
-Demonic bloody red turtle
-Blue with yellow specks Alien turtle.
-Gentle Swimming
-Fast Swimming
-Up Swimming
-Down Swimming
-Attack in water
-Dead in water
-Land idle
-Land walk
-Attack in land.
-Dead in land
Upper and lower turtle's caparace can be used separatly as decorative props or shields, with convex compatible collider meshes.
Check the documentation for tips!