A collections of Scripts to Help You With Object Interaction on Oculus Go
Writing scripts to interact with various objects while developing an Oculus Go application can be tedious and time consuming.
So here's a collection of scripts that'll help you quickly set up with various kinds of Object Interactions in Oculus Go
The included scripts can be used to
1) Teleport - The Teleporter Controller prefab can be dragged in to Hierarchy that is required to Teleport player , Teleportation can be activated with Oculus GO one button controller
2) Grab - The Grab script can be attached to any game object that is required to be Grabbed, Objects can be grabbed with Oculus go controller using primary index trigger
3) Rotate - The ObjRotOVR script can be attached to any game object that is required to Rotate the object , Objects can be rotated with Oculus GO Swipe left/right controller .
4) Switch Objects - The Selection_Visualizer prefab can be dragged in to Hierarchy that is required to switch the objects, Objects can be switched with (OculusGO primary index trigger controller).