Three unique bat models, animated and ready to go! Mesh morphing provides even more customization and randomization.✅ Materials/Demo shipped in Built-in Pipeline. Standard Shader materials can be updated to URP & HDRP in the Editor.Support, Questions, News & Updates➡️ Discord | YouTube | InfinityPBR.com➡️ Support Files always has the latest shared scripts--------------------------------------------------This package contains three different Bat models -- each one has it's own unique look, and two come with fur. The package also contains a custom hair/fur shader to use. All the bats share the same animations, and they're set up so that it's easy to code the flight aspect: Up/Down/Left/Right/Tilting are all done via code. There is a demo scene with an example of tilting/turning as well.While real bats don't fly like this (after all, it probably wouldn't look good in a game!), we did use real world bat flight physics via slow motion videos on YouTube, and you'll find that the motion is quite realistic and believable.--------------------------------------------------Bundles - Get more and save⭐ PBR Monster Bundle #4Bonus Files - Free upgrade after purchase⚡ Bats - Bonus Files 1 - Substance Painter files, Concept Art, Animation Rig⚡ Bats - Bonus Files 2 - Unreal project--------------------------------------------------INFINITY PBR - MY PHILOSOPHYInfinity PBR is the work of over a dozen artists each doing what they do best. I want to make the most versatile, highest quality assets for indie game devs, made the way I would want them to be for my own projects (actually, I do make them my own projects!). Each asset needs to be high quality, insanely customizable, and needs to feel real. Realistic animations and textures. There are some amazing assets on the store, and I believe that my packs are among the best.CUSTOMIZABLEMost packages include mesh morphing, and many will include music, sound effects, concept art, and more.RENDER PIPELINES: BUILT-IN, URP, HDRPTextures will work with legacy shaders (Unity 5 and beyond), and can be upgraded to URP and HDRP. Pack is shippted in Built-in.POLYCOUNT & LODSI suggest you use a tool like Mantis Online (google it, it's free) for creating your own LODs that fit your project/platform. While it may be convenient to have LODs ready to go, the reality is that poly count requirements are very unique to each individual project, and there is no way that I can create exactly what works for you.--------------------------------------------------Support, Questions, News & Updates➡️ Discord | YouTube | InfinityPBR.com➡️ Support Files always has the latest shared scripts--------------------------------------------------If you do purchase this package, thank you very much! Please leave a rating and review so others can find out what's what about it! If you have any problems, requests or anything else, visit me on Discord.