CCG Starter Kit
Product Description
With this starter kit, you can make your collectible card game. The code is the base for our CCG game that will be available soon. We made a decision to share the code. However, we have removed our logos and the card images that are only our property. There is no multiplayer functionality because we removed the depreciated code and a new multiplayer will be available in an update coming soon. Keep in mind that it is a starter kit, not complete project.
Product Features
- Creating custom CCG
- Includes a simple single-player mode against AI as an example of code implementation
- Using not only 2D elements but also 3D ones what makes the product more usable and good-looking
- 2D GUI is based on the Unity's UI system
- Works for all supported by Unity platforms
- Easy to implement in your game
- Good performance
- Source included
Contact Information and Useful Links
My Website
My YouTube Channel
My Email