Create detailed and efficient scenes in minutes!
Object Construction Kit is designed to allow developers to quickly and efficiently create detailed scenes with ease.
After the scene, or part of a scene, is ready, the OCKit generates combined objects with levels of detail for greater performance.
This asset also includes an Atlas Tool, that allows creating, editing and managing several atlases at the same time.
- Focused on fast and easy workflow for artists and level designers
- Randomize position, scale, rotation, UV placement, image, sprite for each single object
- Support for pre-made mesh LODs
- Generate combined objects with the same material
- Automatic LOD generation with user defined attributes
- Automatic prefab creation and generated meshes are saved on the project folder
- Support for combining objects, with LODs, even if they are not used by the Object Construction Kit
- Extra Atlas Tool for creating, editing and managing several atlases at the same time
- Automatically assign each generated atlas to each property of a specific material
- Projection component that automatically projects groups of objects onto surfaces
- One-Button Randomization
- Full Source Code
All assets in the videos and images are included with Object Construction Kit.
For more information, feedback and feature requests, visit the official thread on the Unity Forums:
Object Construction Kit Thread