Playtime Painter is an open-source Component for texture and mesh editing in Editor & ingame. Designed to quickly prototype masks, add custom vertex data for special shader effects. The core is around 2MB. The rest is an Examples folder with shaders and scripts for playtime painting.
Asset uses syntaxis from C# 4.0. In case you get related errors from my scripts, change C# version of the project from 3.5 to 4.0.
There will be a PainterCamera in your scene that will usurp one of the layers (30 by default) to do it's dirty deeds.
January 2020 Update
* Verious fixes & improvements.
* More informative UI.
* Scripts and namings have changed a lot.
Manual |
My website
Thanks to Poliigon for letting me include a set of their textures with example assets.
* Render-Painting with Shaders, or with custom CPU functions, interchangably.
* "Transparent Layer" blit mode
* World Space Brush - paint it the way it is meant to be painted.
* Experimental Mobile-Friendly Shaders:
Pixel perfect UI shader
Volume Baked Shadows
Terrain Integration Inspired by DICE
- Mobile-Friendly Bevel
- Tilable Atlasing
- Color Bleed
- Edge Detection
- Seam masking with Vertex color
- Pixel Ars Shaders
- Procedural Sky
- Foamy water without using depth buffer or stencil
* Procedural UI elemenets with rounded corners and pixel-perfect positioning. (Shaders & Component)
* No DLLs or plugins, made purely with Unity: easy to modify, high compatibility.
* Undo/Redo for Texture and Mesh edits. (Using component buttons)
* Color blending is always in Linear Space for any project settings.
* Build ready - Effective and fun, Player can modify textures during playtime.
* Texture Solution Editor - Package masks and maps into RGBA channels as you wish. Just like DICE.
* Mesh Solution Editor - Option to package mesh data as you wish for unconventional Effects.
* Projector brush type.(Similar to Blender's)
* Filler blit mode. Experimental thing... a bit useless to be honest.
* Alpha Buffer painting: when Enabled allows to limit transparency of the stroke. Also helps painting over seams when using sphere brush.
* Signed Distance Field generator
Assets used in videos:
Strong Knight
Everyone is welcome to ask & suggest new weird stuff to make. Even without owning the asset. Some of the best content, like Damage Shaders/Scripts, Collision Painting, Undo/Redo options, Skinned Mesh painting were added thanks to user feedback.