Pack of low poly traps with animation and behavior scripts.
It contains 7 low poly traps for games with PBR shader and Atlas texture, a texture for various traps with the goal of optimizing your game.
- Branch_Trap: It is an original Amazon trap known as Mundé, it is made to capture animals of medium size. she is very accurate and has a 95% chance of capturing the animal that eats her bait.
- Bow_Trap is a very common trap worldwide, it is basically a bow tied on a branch and with sipó trigger, when the enemy leans on the sipó the bow flings a arrow
- Matapí is an indigenous trap used to catch shrimp, being lured by baits they enter inside the cylindrical funnel and can not get out
- Trident_Trap is a very common trap in the world, only a twig that serves as a trigger pushes the trident, when touched it triggers the trap
- Bear_Trap is a trap very common in the world, it is a claw that when touched in its trigger, shoots and 'bites' the foot of the animal
- Rock_Trap is a common trap in the world, when you touch your trigger the stone falls on top of the animal.
-Box_Trap, it is very used for catching small animals, it just closes the box when the animal treads on its trigger
Support: Rowntec01@gmail.com