This series is a collection of models for creating Japanese townscapes with characteristics of the late Showa period (1970-1980).This is a model set of Japanese style architectural style.
In this vol.3, models of shopping districts - individual management stores and buildings of SMEs are bundled.
We prepare a sample scene that can be used immediately, a large number of build elements and general purpose material.
Since commercial facilities require a huge variety of objects, we have made a way to reduce the unique texture and use general-purpose materials as much as possible without putting pressure on resources.
The model included in the package,
Commercial building with indoor
No indoor building
Store where renovated private houses
Tiny store
1f store
In-store Prop
Ducts · pipes · windows · doors
Signs / leaflets
Arcade roof
It includes a replacement material that can change appearance.
Types of buildings, shops and signs, plops in the store will be increased with future updates.
Several sample models of other series are also included in this asset.fbxbuildingsize 55 Triangles 96-19000 average 6500building_partssize 168 Triangles 80-3950 average 850door_windowsize 124 Triangles 90-1790 average 700shopsize 73 Triangles 64-2673 average 200shop_propsize 360 Triangles 76-1630 average 550sign_flyersize 55Triangles 96-1470 average 120Texture size 1662048x2048 42, 1024x1024 55, Less than 69Skybox1024x1024 Cubemap size 3Material size 36I use only Unity's standard shaders.prefabbuildingsize 32building_partssize 148door_windowsize 73shopsize 66shop_propsize 383sign_flyersize 51