Welcome to the world of Cloud Boy!
His life would have been so easy, just hanging out in the air, floating and smiling and enjoying the sun, letting the water cycle follow its course... if only the evil dark cloud monsters hadn't arrived to ruin the day.
Cloud Boy never embraced violence, so when the dark cloud monsters kidnapped the sun, he asked them politely to return it and leave them alone, with a smile.
But the evil monsters where full of anger and negative electric charge, so a powerful thunder stroke straight to Cloud Boy's face as their only answer.
As a result of the shock, Cloud Boy didn't loose his optimism, but his mostly gaseous body mutated, getting a couple of pairs of new limbs: legs and arms to allow him run and jump and grab things.
With courage and determination, cotton candy and the support from his friends the rainbows, he will defeat the evil clouds and bring light back to his world.
In this package you will find an animated asset of Cloud Boy with animation clips ready to use in Unity.
To use the animation you will need the free Unity Anima2D plugin. You can download it from the Asset Store:
You will also find backgrounds and some enemy. You may need to adapt them to use them in your own project. You will also get the original 2D assets in case you want to modify them or use then in a different way in your game.
Cloud Boy characters and environments created by Veronica Lassenius. Animation, packaging and music by Pablo Jordi.
The scene with the animation for the trailer is also included.
We would love to see what you make with Cloud Boy and hear what aspects to improve in future updates. Please share your work and opinions!