Procedural glass shattering system.
Unlike typical pre-recorded glass break effects, this one procedurally generate glass fragments exactly at where you shoot.
Glass prefabs can be customized:
- Glass may be configured as unbreakable (Shatter but not fall apart);
- Glass fragments might be removed after specified delay;
- Glass fragments may be generated with edges or without;
- Force applied to fragments may be changed;
- Glass fragments thickness may be changed as well.
Glass can be static or attached to a moving object. It can be shattered using raycasting as well as using triggers and buttons.
Ideal for low poly or cartoon styled game.
Package contains:
- Documentation, which explains how it works and math behind it;
- Main shatterable glass script and custom editor script;
- 2 Special glass meshes;
- 2 Simple glass textures and materials;
- 4 glass prefabs;
- 4 glass break sounds;
- Demo folder with demo scene and demo related assets such as gun model, textures, and example scripts to shatter glass.
Please use included glass prefabs. Glass calculations made on special plane mesh.
Please make sure that every glass's parent in hierarchy have scale of {1, 1, 1}. Otherwise glass may shatter weirdly.