(URP supported) Tools for creating and managing 2D scenariosURP Compatible2D Tools for boosting the productivity and quality of your scenarios.Minimize the time of creating, testing, decorating and maintaining 2D and 2.5D environments. See more at: www.kolibri2d.com Advantages:(URP compatible)- Update every or replace every element in your 2D /2.5D scenario (art, physics, prefabs) instantly.- Splits perfectly the tasks between level designers and level artists for a seamless team contribution.- Controls 2D Order and 3D position instantly from inspector.- Simple UI.- Constant development and supportHow does it work?- Everything defined at material level and updates immediately all instances in scene.- Quickly Grayboxing (creating physics and testing the foundations of games).- Takes the scenario from graybox to beautiful graphics in seconds.- Ensures every object is always up to date. Avoid "old versions" of elements.- Graphics and physics settings defined at template level- Scriptable objects minimizes data usage & maximizes reusability- Easy and Intuitive UI, everything in inspector, no extra windows- Calculates 2D Layers and Order in Layer based in the 3D position.- Code designed to be extended- More tools and updates every monthIncluded toolsTerrain 2D: physics, sprite morphing, corners, platforms, caves, etcDecorator2D/3D: placing and distributing gameobjects or prefabsWater2D: fluid surfaces simulations. Highly customizable, extendable and compatible with Effectors 2D and Events.- - Additional:Spline TextureQuick decoratorSpline TraverserLine RendererBasic shaders for controlling 2D layersBasic shaders for water2D masking ayers More Info >>Art by FreepikThis asset uses Poly2Tri Copyright (c) under the Microsoft Permissive License V1.1; see Third-Party-Notices.txt file in package for details