Needs and Diseases - Survival Vitals, Symptoms, Effects
Mindaugas Morkunas
Jump AssetStore
📌NOTE: If you are updating from version 1.1.2 or earlier, make sure to delete the old Human Needs and Diseases folder from your project!
Needs and Diseases is a modular and extensible character system designed for survival games of any level of complexity,
with ease-of-use and modularity as its main priority.That means that implementing, adjusting and removing features requires
no scripting for the user. This package provides advanced systems such as player effects, body parts, conditions and activities.But that is only the beginning, because most of the functionality comes in seperated objects known as Modules. These modules can be added and disabled at any time and provide an infinite amount of possibilites. Some of the included modules are hunger, thirst, energy, warmth and many more!
Body characteristicschoose gender, weight, height, muscle and fat mass.
Healthchoose what affects the general health and by how much!
Body partscreate unlimited body parts and adjust their characteristics (body part collisions and fall damage included!)
Activitiesdifferent activities affect how much resources the player uses (and ability to create your own activities)!
Effectsmodular scripts which can be added to any player and give various visual and gameplay effects with time-out and fade-out functionality (and ability to create your own effects!)
Conditionschoose what happens when any stat reaches a certain value without scripting (e.g. the player gets slowness when taking a certain amount of fall damage).
Diseasesa stage-based collection of effects (fading between stages, adjustable stage time, ability to make your own diseases).
Modulesmodular objects which contain specific functionality (can be added and removed from the player, ability to create your own modules).
Player controllermovement speed change when moving uphill, climbing ledges, full-body character support, sprinting, crouching, camera bobbing, mouse look and more.
Saving & loadinga simple save & load system which saves data in json files (has autosave, load on start capabilities)
Documentationcontains guides on how to create your own modules, effects, diseases, activities, how to use scripting functions and other useful instructions.
Hungerdynamic stomach volume, integration with other modules, a 6-stage digestion system, gradual increase in nutrients (everything is customizable).
Thirstwater amount tracking, sweating.
Energyplayer energy tracking, fat mass and muscle mass loss when energy levels are low.
Bleeding Systemtracks blood amount, any body part can bleed.
Warmthtracks the warmth level of the player, protection from clothes and reduction of warmth when the player is wet.
Urinationtracks the need for urination, includes sound and particle effects when urinating, integrated to hunger.
Defecationtracks the need for defecation, includes a defecate object, integrated to hunger.
Diseasesallows the player to have diseases and tracks their stages.
● Blurry vision
● Color blindness
● Coughing
● Darkened vision
● Death
● Disable jumping
● Disable sprinting
● Dizziness
● Faster/slower decrease of energy
● Sensitivity to light
● Shaking
● Slowness
● Speed
● Sweating
● Change in thirst
● Tunnel vision
● Change in warmth
● Alcohol poisoning (buildup, peak and aftermath stages)
● Common cold (first signs, peak and aftermath stages)
● Flu (first signs, peak and aftermath stages)