A tool designed for creating 3D tiled maps.
~ Placing, erasing, and cloning selected tiles.
~ Filling/Clearing the current height plane.
~ Shifting the contents of the entire map or current height plane.
~ Painting materials onto existing tiles so maps can be build and re-skinned later on easily.
~ Designing multiple maps in one scene.
~ Dynamically creating new layers with user defined names.
~ Adding new tiles, tilesets, and materials with easy categorization.
~ Placing generic game objects (Such as characters, npcs, items, etc as can be made into prefabs) as tiles with the editor.
Consult this webpage:
for more information or to report errors and request help.
Alternatively you may contact: Archaicsoft@outlook.com for support.
Currently includes 1 tileset made of generic square-based shapes and 1 material (auto-applied).
Future updates will include more tiles/sets and materials as well as some basic gameplay scripts and characters to get started an playtesting (within an example project).