Discord Support | Documentation | TutorialsThis Toolkit will provide you with solution for the Physics2D explosion system.It's a set of custom explosion components, which you can modify with a lot of settings(Layer Filter , Tag Filter , Depth Filter , Radius , Force , Position , Modify Force By Distance , Send Explosion Damage , and more…)Full C# Source Code.Simply add the explosion script to any game object, adjust the settings, and activate it.Explosions don’t require any of the components, and can be added to an empty Gameobject.Every explosion radius can be adjusted visually in scene view.7 different explosions components ready to use(Single, Attractive, Unstable, Pulsing, Uplift, Triple, and Double Explosion).💣 You will also have access to four Custom Methods which are missing from unity:✨ AddExplosionForce2D✨ AddUpliftedExplosionForce2D✨ AddAttractionForce2D✨ AddRandomizedForce2D🛠️Latest Updates & Features Added:🔂Update v2.3.2:★ New filter option added: Use Attached Rigid body. (Get connected rigidbody attached to the same game object or attached to any parent game object. Otherwise explosion will work only if collider has Rigidbody attached to it self!)★ Unity 2020+ support.🔂Update v2.3:★ The force is now applied at the closest point of the rigid body from the explosion which looks much more realistic.★ Tool is now located in 'plugins' folder which reduces the recompiling time.★ Gizmos for every explosion added for easier navigation in scene.★ Additional warning messages in console.🔂Update v2.2:★ Added Non Memory Allocation Option (Request).★ Additional comments in code for advanced users🔂Update v2.1:★ Unity 2019 support.★ Undo Issue Fixed.★ Modify Force By Distance fixed for Triple Explosion.★ Added Preferences Options for text above handles.★ Changes in Demo Scene Manager.🔂Update v2.0:★ New filter settings (trigger and solid colliders filter).★ Added handle for easier radius change in scene view.★ Radius text above handle.★ Scripts new organization for future updates.★ Optimized editor scripts.★ Improved inspector navigation.★ Activate 'On Disable' fixed for Uplift Explosion.Contact Us: For any inquiries or support, feel free to reach out to us:📧 Email: contact@pulsarxstudio.com📧 Support: support@pulsarxstudio.com