A unified interface to native features on mobile platforms for Unity.
Packs some useful native features on mobile platforms(currently iOS and Android), provides unified, intuitive and clean API to use.
Currently included features:
* Get App Info (bundle ID, name, version, build)
* Alert / Popup
* Share images and messages
* Open App Store/Google Play pages
* Check and Prompt for upgrading
* Loading animation
We will continuously improve the package, enhance it with more features, and always be supportive of your game development.
If you found issues or need new features, feel free to contact us: miragine@gmail.com
API details, same as Readme.txt in the package.
>>> Application Info <<<
- appBundleID (readonly)
- appName (readonly)
- appVersion (readonly)
- appBuild (readonly)
Get application bundle id, name, version or build(version code) through native interfaces.
>>> Alert/Prompt <<<
- Alert()
Alerts/Prompts a message, with a title and up to 3 buttons. Each button will trigger a callback if provided.
This feature is used in other features, such as "Prompt for upgrading".
>>> Share images and messages <<<
*** Requires iOS 6.0 or above. ***
- ShareMessage()
Shares a text message.
- ShareImage()
Shares an image with an optional message. But due to a system limitation on Android, the message may not be recognized by all applications.
- ShareScreenshot()
Shares a screenshot with an optional message. A shortcut to ShareImage() with a screenshot.
>>> Show App in Store/Google Play <<<
*** Requires iOS 6.0 or above. ***
- ShowApp()
Shows an App Store page of an application in a popup on iOS, or application details page on Android.
>>> Check and Prompt for upgrading <<<
- UpgradeTest()
Optionally test for a new version of the application and prompts for upgrading.
Returns true if new version available and prompted for upgrading, false otherwise.
>>> Show a fullscreen loading animation <<<
- ShowLoading()
- HideLoading()
Shows a loading animation that covers the whole screen, block further taps until hidden.