Shooting Modular Game Environment Pack is low poly specially design for mobile games.
One complete seen is ready for games.
In this project have 6 types textures.
5 types textures size is 2048*2048 and 1 texture size is 1280*630.
(In this environment Pack models Detail is blow):
4 Type Boxes.
Box Weapon.
Electric Button.
3 type Container.
Clay container.
2 type Concrete block.
Cotton box.
4 types drums.
Electric box.
1 type fence.
First aid Bag.
First cave Part.
Floor Under cave.
Gate Big Under cave.
(House Crime 12 Types).
Lamp Light .
Large box.
Light Roof.
Oil Bottle 2 types.
Pedestrian area.
Pillar gate.
Pipe 1 type and 4 part.
Rails Stairs 2 types.
Red Lamp.
Security bardHH.
Shelter wooden box 2 types.
Shooting target.
Shutter box.
Small Rock 2 types.
Tunnel 1 type and 3 parts.
Under Room.
Under cave shooting area.
Upper Roof.
Wall brick.
Wall pieces.
Weapon sign board is 9 types.
White lamp.
Wood plate.
Wood stair.
Yellow lamp.
Stair 1 rest.
Stair 2.
Stair 3.
All models have also prefabs.
Every Thing seen in video and screen shoots.
(If you want to give any suggestion.)
Please send me mail on this gmail.
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