DocumentationIt is way to easy to access built Unity3D game Assets through common Asset unpacker.You do not want your precious assets, created in a high consuming timeprocess, be found in other games?Or you want to protect against cheating caused by asset editing? A wallhack needs only one replaced material.But there is a way to fight against those!GuardingPearSoftwares Asset Protection encrypts your Assets in easy and user friendly steps.Step 1: Through an editor extension you can directly mark your assets that shall get protected.Step 2: Use the the protected classes especially designed to load the encrypted assets.Step 3: Call the encryption process before you build your game. Thats it.Supported assets:- Prefabs- Models- Materials- Textures- Sprites- Sprite Animations- Audio- Scenes- Texts/BytesCore Content:- Asset Encryption- Asset Optimization- Asynchronous Asset LoadingHow the encryption works:First all selected assets get protected with a custom key and additionally with an RSA private key.If you have any question, just do not be afraid to ask!Asset Protection uses an asymmetric encryption to protect your assets, making it very hard to access them outside of the game. But keep in mind, skilled hackers may still break any kind of protection!Supports Unity 5 up to latest 2022Supported Platforms: Standalone, Android, IOS, UWP, Consoles (Xbox One, PS4, Switch)Supported BuildTypes: Mono and IL2CPPContactguardingpearsoftware@gmail.comOnline Documentation and TutorialsGuardingPearSoftware