Props galore with a robust amount of themed artwork, Soda, Beers, fridges, displays even a functioning vending machine that instantiates drinks. Enjoy popping these pops in your world! :)This asset pack uses optional Build-In Unity dependencies.• Post Processing: Improves cameras visuals• ProGrids: Allows snapping of modular meshes in the build Build Kit folder• Setting Manager: Settings interface for ProGridsClick here to download a playable demoFollow me on InstagramIn this version I have added a new working vending machine that instantiates soda cans.additionally this package contains 76 unique prefabs and 75 arranged prefabs, With 22 Brands, you will be able to fill up your scene with a wide range of colorful branded variations.Modular Build Kit(Built Kit Contains various modular prefabs for each texture that allow the developer to create seamless walls, floors roofs and ceiling, quickly build structures with the assistance of Progrids)Unique Prefabs IncludeCans• 19 Cans• 4 Mini Cans• 2 Skinny Cans• 7 Tall CansBoxes• 6 Box Can• 4 Box Tall CanDisplay• 5 Display Center 01• 1 Display Center 02• 1 Display Simple• 1 Display Simple Tall• 1 Display Special 01• 1 Display Special 02• 1 Display Special 03• 1 Display Special Edge WoodFridges• 8 Drink Fridge• 4 Mini Drink FridgeOther• 1 Ceiling Lights• 7 Posters• 1 Six Pack RingA number of displays have been prearranged as prefab ready to be used for a store scene.• Box Display: 12 Prefabs• Six Packs: 32 Prefabs• Display Set Up: 19 Prefabs• Fridges Set Up: 8 Prefabs• Mini Fridges Set Up: 4 PrefabsThis package includes a demo scene that showcases the prefabs.Suggestions are welcomed, email us ideas for future updates or if you have any questions.