DropboxSync - upload and download files from Dropbox
George Fedoseev
Jump AssetStore
DropboxSync will let you sync files and folders from Dropbox to your game or application.DropboxSync will let you sync files and folders from Dropbox to your game or application.You can check for content or settings updates on app start or setup constant file changes tracking and receive updates as soon as you make changes on Dropbox!Features:- Download and upload files to Dropbox- [NEW] OAuth2 user login flow support (+example scene)- Keep specific folder or file in sync with dropbox (one way sync: Dropbox -> Local)- Move and Delete files and folders- Smart caching of files and folders- Convenient methods to receive files as Texture2D, string and JSON-serializable C# objects- [NEW] Share links support (+example scene)- Tested on: Windows, Mac, iOS and AndroidTutorial | Documentation