Welcome! Hope you will enjoy working with my asset!
Localizing games and apps with this asset is really simple and fun. Looking for more features? Try Simple Localization PRO!
In short, how it works:
● We work with localization sheets on Google Sheets where columns are languages and rows are keys + localized text data. We can invite other team members like devs, translators and editors to work together.
● Localization sheets can be exported to Unity in CSV format with LocalizationSettings.
● Inside Unity we use LocalizedText component for static texts and localize strings in code with LocalizationManger.
Setup steps:
Please visit our GitHub for setup instructions.
● Localize UI in your project to deliver your game to larger audience
● Switch localization at runtime
● Invite other devs, translators, editors to your document on Google Sheets
● Download localization sheets to your project with LocalizationSettings
● Clean and simple C# code
● Unity 2020+ support
● Unity uGUI + TextMeshPro
● Any platform (Standalone, Android, iOS, WebGL)
● No impact to build size and performance
Dependencies (added automatically):
● com.unity.editorcoroutines
● com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json
● Discord - questions, live chat with developers
The asset icon was made by Pixel perfect from www.flaticon.com.
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