Spot The Difference - Playmaker Template
Learn Playmaker
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**You need a licensed copy of PlayMaker for this project to operate. (Available on the Asset Store)
This project is useful for beginners who want to learn how to make games without writing a single line of code, or developers wanting to publish their own spot the difference game quickly.
The fully commented logic allows you to follow along and learn at each step of the game, as its being played.
Customise it, expand upon the architecture, or make more levels and go on to publish your own version of a spot the difference game quickly. Everything is set up and ready to go, including;
Three complete levels with three differences to be found on each
Optimised for mobile devices with touch input and screen ratio set up
Lives Manager - The player gets three chances on each level. Once the user has made three wrong clicks, the level restarts and the user must start again.
Scrolling Level Menu - The Level Menu is set up as an infinite scrolling menu. Easily extend the scroller and add new thumbnails to the list as you make more levels.
Level Tracker - Level Complete icons are displayed on the scrolling Level Menu so the user can track which levels they have finished
Scoring System - There is a running score which tracks and displays the users correct guesses using On Gui UI.
Making new levels is as simple as duplicating an existing level, replacing the images with your own and positioning box colliders to suit