It is recommended to use Mercator with Unity 2018.1 or higher. Performance is considerably improved.
Unity Forum
Tutorial 1
Mercator is a system allowing for rapid prototyping and iteration of terrain in Unity 3D. It does not aspire to be the most powerful, but the easiest and fastest tool to let you explore and shape the landscape you want to portray.
• Intuitive, easy and fast
• No more waiting: GPU-based terrain stamping with instant results
• Not cast in stone: adjust any step of the terrain creation later on
• Immediate procedural results based on your terrain's heightmap
• Highly flexible layer-based configuration
• Instantly change the look and feel of your terrain
The system is comprised of two main parts. The first one is a terrain creation system that allows you to shape and modify the terrain with intuitive, stamp-like elements that influence its height map. Thanks to GPU-supported computing, your changes are visible in real-time without waiting for a baking process to finish. The full history of the Terrain is displayed in the Unity hierarchy window, obviating the need for stepping through history to undo changes.
This terrain creation system is complemented by a highly flexible shader that allows you to place textures on your terrain without the need for painting or baking splat maps. The main advantage of the Mercator shader is that it reacts immediately to changes in the terrain, without requiring any baking or processing. It should be used to immediately get a feel for the terrain that you are creating and to experiment freely with different visuals. Note that for final production use, there are other shader packages that provide both better performance and visual quality.