This package contains a racing track placed in an industrial enviroment, including warehouses, streets, containers and even the entrance to a bigger disco. In total more than 550 props included.This package contains a racing track placed in an industrial enviroment, including warehouses, streets, containers and even the entrance to a bigger disco.The package includes more than 550 props for scene decoration.Polycount of the main scene assets (without props) about 100.000.Scene size about 450x450m.Scene lightsetup for all renderpiplines included.Suports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-Renderpipeline (RP-Version 11.0.0 or higher)Polycount of the main scene assets (without props) about 100.000.Scene size about 450x450m.Scene lightsetup for all renderpiplines included.Suports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-Renderpipeline (RP-Version 11.0.0 or higher)