Smart XML Multistring is a package providing you an intuitive interface to create and track multiple text localizations. The interface is deeply integrated to the Unity 3D editor. The package code is written in C#. The text for each localization is provided in separate XML files.
The runtime functionality has been used on my previous five projects. The editor functionality has been tested on my ongoing project.
Runtime features:
- working with Windows, Android and iOS platform;
- text switching without reloading a scene;
compatibility with the embedded "Text" component of Unity 3D;
- prefabs for the language switching are included in the project;
- detecting system language at the first start of the game.
Editor features:
- convinient and robust editor interface;
- fast editing the localizations' data and text without the need to deal with the raw XML-file;
- ability to edit the text through the inspector;
- simple casting the localized data to string in code;
- simple casting enumerations to the text;
searching for the text through game objects in all scenes, scriptable objects and prefabs.