Epic and adventure royalty free music pack for all your projects!SHADOWS GUILD is the perfect album for RPG and adventure projects! All tracks are normal + seamless in wav and mp3!!! 11 battles tracks+ 23 exploration tracks+5 tavern tracks
Battles tracks :
1- Bastion
2-Battle beast
3- Burn the sky
4-Death or glory
5- Facing the dragon
6- Monsters
7- Rage
8- The edge of nightmare
9- They fought as legends
10- Under malediction
11- Underworld
Exploration tracks :
1- A story untold
2-Ancien stones
3- Back in the village
4-Elders wisdom
5- Elves
6- Faeries
7- Gateways
8- Illusions
9- Infinite lands
10- Into wild lands
11- Kingdom rises
12-Knight song
13-Lonely day
14-Lost horizon
15-Of sun and sand
16-On the way
19-The village near the lake
20-Thy majesty
21-White river
22-Winter guild
23-Written in stones
Tavern tracks :
1-A band in the inn
2-Jester's dance
3-The bard
4-Le néant (french version)
5-Le néant (instrumental)
Composition and production by Nicolas Jeudy.
Please, mention DARK FANTASY STUDIO and Nicolas Jeudy if you use these music !
Thank you !