A beautiful, easy-to-use and customizable table to display in the editor!
This package lets programmers create nice visual editors for artists or game designers to use in the Unity Editor.
Forget the neverending lists of lists of parameters to tweak!
It uses the GUI elements and just organizes them in a table, so the style is consistent with the rest of the editor.
Various ways to draw the table, from the basic to the most complex.
- Simply call the DrawTable function and pass a collection property
- Just use the [Table] attribute and let it work out the table without a CustomEditor script (Full Version Only)
- Choose which properties you want to include (Full Version Only)
- Create the cells youself to display anything you want (Full Version Only)
All the nice options of a table
- Sort the table by a column
- Resize columns
- Show or hide specific columns
- Reorder the collection (Full Version Only)
- Filter the content (Full Version Only)
This is a stripped down version of the full package: Editor GUI Table. The full version has many more customization options + full source code.