Without coding, create; per-character, dynamic linear/ non-linear voiced/ text/ unplanned interaction /storyboard stories in node canvas. Usable in game, cutscenes, dialogue, interaction w/wo UI.The price of this asset is now 70% off as the asset will be discontinued in December 2023,Storyteller2 is the new actively developed asset.This is the final version of this asset before its discontinuation.Unity Awards nominated Asset 🏆.Runs in Unity 2018 , 2019 , 2020, 2021● Character Interaction ( Non linear , linear & unplanned)● Character Dialogue ( Non linear , linear & unplanned)● Text and Voiced narrative content● Storyboarding ( with individual image settings )● General Narrative content creation● Per- dialogue & action function assignment ( NO FUNCTION LIMIT)● Text Localization ( NO LANGUAGE LIMIT)● voice Localization 🎙( NO LANGUAGE LIMIT)● Sound effect Localization🎜🎜 (NO LANGUAGE LIMIT)● Cutscene Setup 🎬● Visual Storytelling ( canvas / export view / export interactable HTML)● Dynamic audio file generation ( for game/ cutscenes )● Stortteller Timeline scrubbing● and moreif you are creating game specific components like a character health and score system, you will need to code that as it is outside of the scope covered by storyteller, however storytellers game bridge tools can read this data and modify it if you have modified it to be modified externally.WANT MORE DETAILS ? VIEW FULL FEATURE LIST Discussion Storyteller Forum Post Request a Feature/ contact daimangou@gmail.comThere was a free evaluation version, however it became too expensive to maintain :)There are two components to this tool:A full pre-production tool set for your narrative content creation and a production tool set for bringing your content to life in game.the 'Example Assets' folder in the package is 199 MB , you do not need to import this if you wish to not have the excess files. Only 7.72MB of data is necessary .User guide adds 4.2MB you may also delete this and use the one on the Storyteller WebsiteBy creating your narrative content visually you see the present and future of your content simultaneously, making it easy to create dialogue, tell compelling and dynamic stories and make changes at any moment. You can then quickly and easily it in your game.Character interactions are set in the Storyteller Timeline editor and a simple but efficient visual scripting condition system allows you to execute any function per node.This is all a visual process and you see only what you wish to see.and it takes just one button click to have your canvas data ready to use in game.Collaboration and sharing of your story among team members is efficient. You can share a single storyteller story files which anyone with storyteller can view and edit.There are currently three example scenes in the package.● Detective Bot (basic setup for a mini mystery game)● 好きじゃないよ❕ (Basic setup for a visual novel in English and Japanese)● NPC Walkup(basic setup for NPC interction)(╯✧ ∇ ✧)╯Guaranteed to improve your workflow.Storyteller WebsiteDaiMangou Website● Character Dialogue / Interaction (collision trigger / event trigger w/wo UI)● Text and Voiced narrative content● Storyboarding (varying image styles and scaling w/wo Audio)● General Narrative content creation (game/ non game related)● Text Localization ( no language limit)● voice Localization 🎙 ( no language limit)● Sound effect Localization🎜🎜 ( no language limit)● Cutscene Setup 🎬(event management systems)● Visual Storytelling ( node canvas )● Dynamic audio file generation for for all possible dialoge outcomes.● Timeline scrubbing
Unity AwardsがアセットAssetをノミネートしました。
Unity 2018からUnity 2020の場合
すべてが小さな45 MBパッケージです(必要なものは3.1 MBのみで、それ以外はすべてサンプルアセットです)。
●Detective Bot(ミニミステリーゲームの基本設定)
TextMesh Proが必要です:)
Storyteller Website
DaiMangou Website