Polygonal's Low-Poly Particle Pack with total of 90 Prefabs ready to use!
It contains 30* different particle effects with High Performance and Mobile versions which
can be used in every low-poly environment imaginable. Currently there are a couple of categories you can choose from: Smoke, Explosions, Fire, Water, Hit and Environmental particle effects.
* Low Poly Particles Pack will receive additional free updates containing fresh particle effects.
- Hand crafted mesh particles,
- Over 30 different particle systems with over 90 Prefabs,
- Drag and drop ready,
- High Performance variant for each system with less particle usage,
- Mobile variant for each system which uses mobile shaders,
- Bonus low-poly models,
- Regular updates!
Included particle systems:
- Rain
- Snow
- Dust (desert, blizzard, leaves,...)
- Hit particles (tree splinters, rocks, blood,...)
- Explosions
- Smokes
- Fire sets (flame, fire with smoke,...)
- Radiation cloud
- Water Splash