MOBILITY - FidgetsA Subset of “MOBILITY: PRO" Mocap PackUpdate: Rev. 2.7BNew MotusMan_V55 Skeleton and AvatarAll animations set as Humanoid.Root Motion and In-Place with Custom Attributes (IPC) Animations (See Technical Details)True Root Motion (moving reference root) as an option.View 3D Animations on Sketchfab:Mobility: Fidgets SketchfabWatch MOBILITY: Demo Video: NOTE: This is a demo combination of motions from all MOBILITY: not just this pack.Mobility: Demo Video 5+ MoCap Animations; A small basic set of AAA game-ready animations to have your character look around etc. while bored or waiting for Player input, and integrates perfectly with the other “MOBILITY: Mocap Packs”.Technical DetailsIncludes documents with Tips on Avatars and Avatar Adjustments, and "Reference" root motion.Mocap Online - Unity Animation NotesRev. 2.7B UpdateNew MotusMan_V55 Skeleton and AvatarAll animations set as Humanoid.True Root Motion (moving reference root) as an option, as well as In-Place with Custom Attributes (IPC)Our IPC(in-place custom) Animations have custom properties providing continuous Speed and Rot(yaw) data curves, a feature used by major developers. Please read the Unity IPC pdf document:Unity IPC Custom Animation Curves - All animations are .fbx format, standard fbx bone names.LIST OF MOVES Stand_Relaxed_Idle Stand_Relaxed_Fgt_v1 Stand_Relaxed_Fgt_v2 Stand_Relaxed_Fgt_v3 Stand_Relaxed_Fgt_v4 Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC