Compax is a lightweight decoupled inter-component communication system for Unity.
Compax allows you to pass “Messages” between different scene objects without requiring any references to said object, in a way that the sender has no knowledge of the recipient of the message, and the recipient has no knowledge of the sender, thus creating complete decoupling between sender and receiver.
The system is fully extensible and very simple to use, as well as supports all of Unity’s major platforms, except UWP.
Tested and working on: PC, Mac, iOS, Android, WebGL.
Advantages of using Compax over other solutions:
+ Complete decoupling of separate systems in your game, separating different game systems and eliminating dependencies between your objects by avoiding the use of references completely.
+ Allows a system akin to that of UnityActions on dynamic content; Since UnityActions require an object reference to operate and a method to be chosen at edit time from those available on the referenced object, meaning that you can’t use that system on objects not present at the scene at edit time.
+ A quick and easy way to create simple interactions between objects.
This plugin has been developed by Compedia Ltd. and is being actively used and developed as part of the infrastructure in our VR, 3D, AR and other applications.
Compedia delivers VR, AR and 3D applications for Corporate, Education and Museum uses. More info regarding our Corporate solutions can be found at
General information about Compedia can be found at